Winners, Losers and Cheaters

Published: Fri, 07/15/16

Natural Health News


The team at Natural Health Chiropractic is happy to bring the latest issue of Natural Health News; your source for tips, information and ideas to help you achieve all your health and wellness goals.

Each month we will bring you some great tips for you and/or your loved ones to live a healthier and more satisfying lifestyle.

Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Dr. Paul Goldstein

An Important Tip for Staying Healthy...

Winners, Losers and Cheaters​​​​​​​

In last month’s newsletter I mentioned a last ditch effort by agriculture lobbyists to influence the U.S. Senate to pass a watered down law regarding GMO’s, and to render Vermont’s law for labeling of foods containing GMO ingredients obsolete.  This federal law, also known as the DARK Act (Deny Americans the Right to Know) was designed to keep consumers in the dark about what is in our food.  

Well, the Senate voted and the winner was Monsanto and big agriculture!  The Senate voted 63-30 to enact the DARK act.  Congratulations to the lobbyists of big agriculture, and to the senators who financially benefit from their contributions.  Condolences to the losers: the state of Vermont whose state law was superseded by this new federal law.  Condolences to the nine out of ten Americans who want what 64 other countries already have, which is to know what is in our food.  Most of all condolences to our children who will for the most part continually consume GMO foods without any idea of the resulting toxicity from the overuse of glyphosate (Roundup).  Oh wait, there was sort of a consolation victory. The Senators did require food companies to put on its packaging a QR code, an indication that it contains GMO ingredients.  However, you will have to use a smart phone, and be connected to Wi-Fi in the supermarket to find out for sure...

 ...keep reading

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Natural Health Chiropractic
Dr. . Paul Goldstein
Natural Health Chiropractic