Wild Fish vs. Farmed Fish

Published: Wed, 08/19/15

Natural Health News


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An Important Tip for Staying Healthy...

Wild Fish vs. Farmed Fish

A Fish Story
I've always chosen to eat wild fish over farmed raised fish.  I had read that farmed fish were raised in overcrowded pens, fed antibiotics and in the case of Atlantic Salmon, given artificial dyes to give this fish its distinctive coloring.  In some cases this is true but my opinion on farmed fishing has changed after reading an article in Outside Magazine by Tim Zimmermann.  The article gives some grim statistics about the amount of fish the world is harvesting, but also how improved practices in aquaculture, and labeling can help restore wild populations to sustainable numbers.

Some Disturbing Fish Facts
The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that 90% of wild marine fish stocks are either fully exploited or over exploited due to a worldwide 4.7 million vessel fishing fleet. Unfortunately many fleets use practices that include trawling nets and long lines: lines that stretch 40 miles with a baited hook every three feet.  Unfortunately this efficient method of catching fish also by catch as many as 150,000 sea turtles, and tens of thousands of whales, sharks, and dolphins.  Trolling only drops a few lines behind a boat and therefore reducing by catch.  The global demand for fish is daunting.  Six billion people on the planet are consuming about 158 million metric tons annually and about half of that is presently being supplied by farmed fish. How are we going to manage the ocean stocks of fish when the world swells to an estimated population of 9 billion by 2050?  ....    ...keep reading

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