Natural Health News- Can Your Genetics Be Changed?

Published: Wed, 04/15/15

Natural Health News


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Dr. Paul Goldstein

An Interesting Tip for Feeling Better...

Improving Genetics

EpigeneticsThe root word Epi means above, so epigenetics means above genetics.  Alternative medicine as adopted this word to describe living above our genetically predetermined DNA profile.  Some people have stronger genetic profiles than others and if you are not blessed with a strong constitution you might wonder “what can I do to improve my genetics?”

MethylationThis is one of several pathways of detoxification that occurs a billion times per second in our bodies.  It occurs in every cell and in every organ.  A methyl group in chemistry is written this way: CH3.  Methylation is when a methyl group is donated to help detoxify potentially dangerous chemicals that we are exposed to in our environment. This would include medications and our own hormones.  It helps to process estrogen, is associated with infertility, is involved with DNA and RNA synthesis, and makes myelin which covers our nerves like insulation. It builds important immune fighting cells, helps in energy production, and builds neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and epinephrine ...keep reading

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Natural Health Chiropractic
Dr. Paul Goldstein
Natural Health Chiropractic
