This may be the single most important article I have released to date. When the Biden vaccine mandate was announced and the Covid vaccine was approved for the 5-11 age group I felt the need to speak up. The goal is to create a conversation, create clarity in answering some of the questions about Covid I am asked
every day but do not always have the time or resources to answer properly. These are confusing times to say the least. This is a long one, so find a quiet space, I hope you find it informative, and PLEASE respond with a comment or a question if you feel the need. As you will see, I am using this to share well respected and alternative sources to the mainstream media and governments narrative, so you can draw your own conclusions. We do not always need to agree, but we do need to have a place to
speak and be heard.
With the pandemic showing no signs of abating as it approaches two years, the man driving the government’s response, Dr. Anthony Fauci head of NIAID (national institute of allergies and infectious disease) for the past four decades, has on more than one occasion stated when questioned on his approach,
“that an attack on me is an attack on science.”
“The truth does not mind being questioned. A lie does not like being challenged.”
I do not know who to attribute this quote to, but it resonates with me given our current state of a pandemic. Hearing Dr. Fauci arrogantly equate himself with science is troubling considering his position and responsibility to the public. Science was built upon skepticism and debate. We need to be questioning
every facet of the pandemic response. Our personal health, and our family’s health demands this scrutiny. With the demand for mandated Covid vaccination and armed with a one-year perspective to view the result of the vaccines, this is especially important....